Creation and use of dictionaries in Python

This is the last post of the mastery topics, so let’s give everything to it. Dictionaries, they are just another type of data just like lists and tuples. They are indexed by keys, which can be any immutable type, or tuples if they don’t contain any mutable object. You can create them with: {}, there…

Creation and use of ranges in Python

In python there is a function call range which helps you analyze the values inside an interval with a numeric argument. Here is a simple example:   Here is a video: That’s all #Pug#Tec#TC101#Range#NoMore#AlmostDone#Python

Nesting of conditional statements

You may think there is no more you must know of the conditional statement, well… You are wrong, there is another knowledge call nesting that must master. Perhaps you didn’t know that in a nested if construct, you can have an if…elif…else construct inside another if…elif…else construct. There may be a situation when you want…

Else and Elif

Continuing with the course, we have the next step that is the else and elif statement. Let’s start with else, in the else statement is where you are going to put the block of code that you want to execute if the conditional in the if statement turns out to be False or 0. Here…

If you click on this post…

This time we are going to see   the conditional if and how does it work. The conditionals statement performed different actions depending on how the boolean was evaluated false or true. The general form of the “if” statement is the follow. If BOOLEAN : STATEMENTS There are some important things to remember about the if…

Modules and libraries

This time we are going to see the Modules or Libraries what are those things, in simple terms they are Python files that contain definitions and statements, this ones can be imported or well created by yourself. To import one of this modules and use it in your program is very easy, you just type…

Input = not so difficult

Hi again, today we are going to see how to make an input, it is actually not that hard so i think you won’t have any difficulties. So this is how it goes: Something = input ( whatever you want to ask) Then you can go like: Print = (“This” + Something + “ is…

Python’s Types of Data

Python has five standard types of data: Numbers Strings Lists Tuples Dictionary The number type data is used to store numerical values, this are created when you assign a value to the object. var1 = 5 var2= 15 Pythons support four different numerical types: int ( signed integers ) long ( long integers, they can…

Zen of Python

The Pythoneer Tim Peters channeled the benevolent dictator of life guiding principles for Python’s design into 20 aphorisms, only 19 of which have been written down. 1- Beautiful is better than ugly. 2- Explicit is better than implicit. 3- Simple is better than complex. 4- Complex is better than complicated. 5- Flat is better than…

Print (Programing + Math)

This time we are going to see how to write and run basic math operations in Python, first we have to know the signs: “+” is for summing “-” is for subtracting “*” is for multiplying “/” is for dividing “%” is for the remain of the division Let’s start, for the past operations it doesn’t…

Learning the basics

Continuing with the course, there are certain topic about Python we have to master. Some of them are basics but since most of us are new at this, they suit us well. We are going to begin with the basic output “print”, which is pretty easy to understand. First you have to write print, then…